Jakarta, March 5, 2019 . BMKG through its official website has launched areas that are prone to flooding which will occur in January, February and March 2019. The forecast includes high, medium, low flood potential and is safe from flood events. For this reason, the public is asked to be vigilant and is expected to be able to assist in carrying out activities to prevent a bigger flood.
For those of you, two-wheeled motorcycle riders, you have to be more careful because usually this flood will cause damaged roads and make holes everywhere so that it can cause accidents.
In addition to damaged and potholed roads, motorcyclists are also often faced with their motorbikes breaking down due to spark plugs or the motor’s air filter getting water in. If it breaks down frequently, it is possible that the engine will be damaged quickly. In order not to be damaged by floods, motorists need to pay attention to the following :
1. When passing through a flooded location, pay attention to the water level not to pass the spark plug on the motor, because the incoming water can cause the ignition in the engine not to run properly.
2. If you have to break through the flood, it’s better to turn off your motorcycle engine, because if the water enters when the combustion chamber temperature is high it will cause your motorcycle piston to burst.
3. Insert a thick hose into the exhaust facing up if you still want to force the engine to run, at least it can reduce water entering the engine.4. During the rainy season, pay attention to spark plugs. Coat the spark plug components with grease. At least the protector can minimize water entering the ignition area.5. If the spark plug has already entered the water spray with lubricant to the head of the spark plug so that the water can dry quickly. One of the lubricants that can “treat” the problem of spark plugs getting water in, one of which is Rexco 50 multipurpose lubricant.
According to Tomy Tambrani , Marketing Manager of Rexco, spark plugs that get water in cause the air passages in the spark plugs to close, so that the role of lubricant is needed to be able to dry the water in the spark plugs.
Sunday, March 10 2019, Rexco Indonesia supported the Kopdar activities and the 5th Anniversary of the Wagon R Indonesia community at Grand Mall Cakung, East Jakarta. The event which was attended by more than 300 cars and 800 people from the Wagon R community presented various events such as competitions, product auctions, music entertainment, product demonstrations and so on.
On that occasion, Rexco demonstrated several of its superior products that can be applied to 4-wheeled vehicles, such as cleaning asphalt stains on car bodies, cleaning engines until they are shiny and cleaning carbon crust in the car’s combustion chamber.
“The presence of Rexco at our event is a very positive thing because every time this versatile lubricant is present at our activities, it always provides new and useful things for members of the Wagon R community,” said Nugo Chavez Chairman of Wagon R Indonesia.
“We often collaborate and sponsor various motorized vehicle communities, both 2-wheeled and 4-wheeled because these communities are our friends and we will always support automotive development in Indonesia,” said Rexco Indonesia Brand Manager, Tomy Tambrani .
Jakarta, 5 Maret 2019. BMKG melalui situs resminya telah melansir daerah-daerah yang menjadi daerah rawan banjir yang akan terjadi dibulan Januari, Februari dan Maret 2019. Prakiraan tersebut meliputi potensi banjir tinggi, menengah, rendah dan aman dari kejadian banjir. Untuk itu, masyarakat diminta waspada dan diharapkan dapat membantu untuk melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan pencegahan akan terjadinya banjir yang lebih besar.
Bagi Anda pengendara sepeda motor roda dua harus lebih hati-hati karena biasanya banjir ini akan menyebabkan jalanan yang rusak dan membuat lubang dimana-mana sehingga bisa menyebabkan kecelakaan.
Selain jalanan yang rusak dan berlubang, pengendara sepeda motor juga kerap dihadapkan dengan motornya yang mogok akibat busi atau saringan udara motor yang kemasukan air. Jika keseringan mogok, tidak menutup kemungkinan mesin motor akan cepat rusak. Supaya tidak rusak akibat terjangan banjir, pengendara perlu memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
1. Saat melewati lokasi banjir, perhatikan ketinggian air jangan sampai melewati busi pada motor, karena air yang masuk dapat menyebabkan pengapian dalam mesin tidak berjalan baik.
2. Apabila terpaksa harus menerobos banjir, lebih baik matikan mesin sepeda motor Anda, karena apabila air tersebut masuk saat suhu ruang bakar tinggi akan menyebabkan piston motor Anda pecah.
3. Masukkanlah selang tebal ke knalpot dengan menghadap ke atas apabila masih tetap ingin memaksakan mesin motor tetap hidup, setidaknya itu dapat mengurangi air masuk ke mesin.4. Saat musim hujan, berikan perhatian untuk busi. Lapisilah komponen busi dengan gemuk. Setidaknya pelindung itu dapat meminimalisasi air masuk ke area pengapian.5. Apabila busi sudah terlanjur kemasukan air semprotlah dengan pelumas ke kepala businya agar airnya bisa cepat kering. Salah satu pelumas yang bisa “mengobati” masalah busi yang kemasukan air tersebut salah satunya adalah Rexco 50 pelumas serbaguna.
Menurut Tomy Tambrani, Marketing Manager Rexco, busi yang kemasukan air menyebabkan menutupnya saluran udara yang ada di busi, sehingga diperlukan peran pelumas untuk dapat mengeringkan air yang ada di dalam busi tersebut.
Rexco is a product that can help you lubricate, clean and protect your tool or vehicle from rust. These specialty chemical products can be used by various industries, manufacturers and professionals, for your daily use.
Rexco is a product that can help you lubricate, clean and protect your tool or vehicle from rust. These specialty chemical products can be used by various industries, manufacturers and professionals, for your daily use.
Rexco is a product that can help you lubricate, clean and protect your tool or vehicle from rust. These specialty chemical products can be used by various industries, manufacturers and professionals, for your daily use.
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