Rexco Membawa 6 Produk Pelumas Otomotif Favorit di GIIAS 2023

Jakarta, 10 Agustus 2023 – PT. Altama Surya Anugerah sebagai pemegang merek Rexco Chemical pada tahun ini membawa 6 produk otomotif favoritnya di Pameran Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) di ICE BSD, Tangerang yang berlangsung dari tanggal 10-20 Agustus 2023. Rexco merupakan produk chemical dengan formula dari Amerika Serikat yang terbukti sangat ampuh untuk memberikan pelumasan dan […]

Pelumas Yang Penting Dibawa Saat Touring

Jakarta, 16 Agustus 2023. Bagi kalian yang suka touring atau berpergian jarak jauh dengan sepeda motor, selain fisik dan toolkit ada kebutuhan lain yang perlu disiapkan demi keamanan dan kenyamanan berkendara, seperti pelumas kendaraan. Pelumas memiliki peran penting terutama saat motor tersebut digunakan dalam durasi penggunaan yang lama atau jarak tempuh yang jauh. Penggunaan pelumas saat akan […]

Pelumas Serbaguna

Pelumas serbaguna adalah jenis pelumas yang dapat digunakan untuk berbagai macam aplikasi, mulai dari pelumasan mesin kendaraan bermotor, peralatan industri, hingga peralatan rumah tangga. Pelumas serbaguna ini biasanya diformulasikan untuk memberikan perlindungan dan pelumasan yang baik pada berbagai jenis permukaan, seperti logam, plastik, dan karet. Biasanya, pelumas serbaguna memiliki sifat-sifat seperti: Selain itu, pelumas serbaguna […]

Tips for Caring During the Rainy Season — 5

Hello Rexco friends, this time the admin will provide information about tips on caring for cars during the rainy season. Caring for a car during the rainy season is very important, especially if the road to Rexco’s friend’s residence is flooded, so the admin wants to share these tips so that they can be useful for […]

Tips for Caring During the Rainy Season — 4

Hello Rexco friends, this time the admin will provide information about tips on caring for cars during the rainy season. Caring for a car during the rainy season is very important, especially if the road to Rexco’s friend’s residence is flooded, so the admin wants to share these tips so that they can be useful for […]

Tips for Caring During the Rainy Season — 2

Hello Rexco friends, this time the admin will provide information about tips on caring for cars during the rainy season. Caring for a car during the rainy season is very important, especially if the road to Rexco’s friend’s residence is flooded, so the admin wants to share these tips so that they can be useful for […]

Tips for Caring During the Rainy Season — 3

Hello Rexco friends, this time the admin will provide information about tips on caring for cars during the rainy season. Caring for a car during the rainy season is very important, especially if the road to Rexco’s friend’s residence is flooded, so the admin wants to share these tips so that they can be useful for […]

Tips for Caring During the Rainy Season

Hello Rexco friends, this time the admin will provide information about tips on caring for cars during the rainy season. Caring for a car during the rainy season is very important, especially if the road to Rexco’s friend’s residence is flooded, so the admin wants to share these tips so that they can be useful for […]